
OMG! free skins:-)

Hello again,
When i was a newbie, i had to wear junk free skins and i had to hunt after the perfect, one of course not for free. Now thanks for the creators, we can wear awesome skins for free or for quite a low price. (If we don’t want or can’t to pay for them.)
I collected 16 (yes indeed sixteen) high quality skins in different styles for a bargain, and now i’ll show you the first part of this selection. (here are the first six skins)
Choose one or all of them:-)
To be continued!

1st pic: Imagen Irene (lucky chair gift), My UglyDorothy Love (group gift)
2nd pic: Free Speerit Kimberly Crying (from pay what you want wall), LeLutka Prototype A (Costumer Apprecitaion gift)
3rd pic: blowpop N2 Elisabeth D-type (preview skin), Lazolli Linda 1A skin( gift)
Shape: Shape by FD* Seasons series Summer
Eyes: (CS) Mirror series gray
Newbie koromban (na jó, ez az állapot még most sem változott sokat) rémes, kétszersült színű skinekben mászkáltam, keresve a nagy Őt, amivel végül csak egymásra találtunk. Ez az találkozást jó pár lindendollárom bánta. A mostani érkezők helyzete sokkal kedvezőbb. Kis kutatással nagyon jó minőségű ingyenes vagy nagyon olcsó skinekre lehet bukkani. A képen láthatók mindegyike free, és bár a groupgiftek nem állandóak, mindig akad újabb és újabb kínálkozó lehetőség.
Összegyűjtöttem 16 szépséges darabot, amiből az első hatot találjátok ehelyt, a slurlek pedig mellékelve.
Folyt. köv:-)


Born to be free:-)

Hello there,
In the last few days i got some very good free stuff, skins, hairs, clothes, etc. I try to show you some of them, so collect them all and enjoy! The golden sandals are the loot of the week! It comes with HUD for only 150 mins of camping at AMG Boudoir ;-)
(or you can buy it for L$ 990)
Hair: Junwave (new location - freebie), Bishwear (hair fair gift), Truth (freebie)
Jeans: Coco Salopette (groupgift) - 1. pic
Bag: Barerose (lucky chair gift)
2nd pic: black bodytank - Urban Outfitters (groupgift), leggings - Fishy Strawberry (not free), tattoo - I <3> (groupgift)
Red tee and the special skin - Dutch Touch (groupgifts), bag - Aitui (groupgift), red sneakers -Magi take shop (very cheap, but not freebie), jeans - G Field (groupgift) Shape - Shapes by FD* Seasons series Winter (coming soon)


Bitterblue - Where it is always raining

If it is not enough of rainy afternoons ...you should look at this place.
The raindrops are falling, and your pixels get blured in the rain:)

Ha nem elég az esős délutánokból, meg kell nézzétek ezt a helyet:)

Megéri eláztatni a pixeleiteket:)

And you can find there a free shirt and a free umbrella, if you cant stop the shopping:D



"We are the future!"

Hello again,
I was at the area of the SL Birthday. In one of those sims, Portal, there are some futuristic and lovely freebies and gifts from Digit Darkes and Baiastice.

The hairstyle, the skin and the eyes were freebies. The clothes were gift from any "guess what" or some similar game.:)
Boots: Alegria Design (1 L$ or freebie...i don't remember exactly)

Poses: Glitterati

Tattoo: EtchD


2in1 - Snowglobe viewer & redQueen skin

Hello again,
I took a trip to one of the most beautiful sims, Crucible, because i like that, moreover, i’m testing the new, open-source SL viewer, the Snowglobe. So i maxed the settings and made some snapshots (see pic) The results are pretty pleasant, the viewer is a bit faster than the others and the snapshots have excellent quality. Umm..and finally i bought my new fave skin from redQueen Pride series which i was wearing in the photos. This skin is perfect. The body and the face are both beautiful, the shades and lines are excellent, the make-up is brilliant. It comes with two different eyebrows (a darker and a lighter version) and with a tattooed version as well. Well, the skin is not free, but if you join this group you’ll find a skin from the Wrath series among the notices.;-) Have fun!

These lucky chairs love you!

Hello there,

There are some really nice lucky chairs at Discord Nighmare City and these ones love everybody:-)

(Use the coordinates, direct tp is unavaiable)

Discord Nightmare Cityben 16 lucky chair vár. Ruhák, csizma, haj, kiegészítők, mindkét nem számára.

Have fun!

Clothes: Discord Nighmare City - lucky chair gifts
Hair: AMG Boudoir (black one in the middle is groupgift)
Shoes: ETD Heel-strap platforms (from an older sale)
Skin: Beauty Avatar couture - Alyssa skin (gift)


Friday Night Fever

Another post inspired by Fishy Strawberry "Daphne" skins.:-)

Skin: Fishy Strawberry - Daphne cappuccino (groupgift)
Underwear: Fishy Strawberry Laundry Day Dark (free)
Laundry basket: -RC- Cluster (L$ 25)
Hair: from SLX

I run off a post

Hello there,
Yesterday I got an amazing skinpack from Fishy Strawberry. (thanks a lot, Fae) The skinset "Daphne" is a special groupgift edition in three skintones - latte, cappuccino and mocha with brown/black/blond bald bases and vibrant, unique, summer make-up.
Check on it;-)
Fishy Straberry groupajándéka a Daphne skinszett. Három tónus található a csomagban - latte, cappuccino és mocha árnyalatok, szöke/barna/fekete baldbasekkel (szép magyar szó) és nagyon szép, nyárias, türkiz(?) sminkkel.
Have fun!

Skin: Daphne Latte groupgift - Fishy Strawberry
Pants: Marinesta (not free)
Shoes: hoorenbeek (older gift)
Sweater: Honey-Honey (L$30)
Tattoo: addiXion (Love gun - not free)
Hair: redQueen (High trueTEAL - older groupgift)


Jeans are girls’ best friends!

Hello again:-)
Who hasn’t got any jeans in the closet…umm i mean in the inventory?
Put your hands up!
Well I confess I’m a jeans addict (besides my hair addiction of course). I’ve bought tons of jeans and almost always wear them. We can be stylish, elegant, sporty, cute or raunchy in jeans, it just depends on the accesories. I have many forgotten ones and some must-have jeans, (see the pics).
So here’s my current top jeans list! Have fun!

Further stuff on pics:
Hairstyles: Deviant kitties, redQueen, Mayamaya
Shoes: Shiny things (freebie), Armidi, Kalnins, Milk Motions, Soreal, hoorenbeek (MHOH hunt gift)
Tops, sweaters: Cynful, Luck Inc., LAQ, S&S, Atomic (the green hoodie is a lucky chair item), Luck Inc.

Accesories: Naith Smit Design, Armidi, Sinistyle

Waiting for my lover outfit - for rainy days (too:)


Yesterday I found a nice group gift from Michami, so I had to put together an outfit for a special moments.
The half of the clothes is free, I hope, U like it :) Cam

Hair: Analog Dog
Skin: Curio
Shirt+pant+belt: Michami (subscribo gift)
Tie: Miel (subscribo gift)
Stocking: Edelweiss gift
Bracelet, earrings, ring: Deco
Bed: Dahaus hunt gift



Well..It's summer. Supposedly. Yes, yes, i know the skies are grey and it's rain all over Europe, but all that goes for nothing in SL.
I try to collect some very lovely beachwears. Some of them are freebies, the others aren't.:-)
Állítólag nyár van, hiába esik napok óta, és gusztustalan mégcsak kinézni is az ablakon, legalább iSl ez nem számít. Íme néhány free, nem free és NAGYON nem free cucc. Igyekeztem a címeket összegyűjteni, alant meg is találhatóak.
Have fun!

Sassy kitty (older hunt gift), Analise (lucky board stuff), :bijou (not free), Crochet (dollarbie), Zaara (not free), Line (not free, but cheap ones), Chikka Design (from latest sale), Kitties Liar (not free), HoneyHoney (freebie)
Skin: Rockberry Uma Tan (groupgift)
Shape: Shape by FD* #1
Bracelet: Kraftica (freebie)
Tattooes: Aitui (not free), EtchD (there are some free, great tattoes also), Addixion (Dragon is a free one)
Sandals: J's (not free)
Hair: Truth (not free)


It's just another Manic Monday

Hello everyone!
Another rawkin' hair from redQueen by Ruth Quan. She's one of the most talented hairdesigners in SL. The teal one is a groupgift (thank you, Ruth) and the red(cherry) one shows great weakness in me:-)
A legújabb redQueen haj Ruth Quantól, aki a személyes kedvencem, ha hajakról van szó. A teal (türkiz?) színű groupgift, a cherry pedig legújabb beruházás.:-)Both hairstyles from redQueen Mainstore
Shape: by FD* custom
Skin: Redgrave Moon Pale series

Cheap Tricks Vol.2

More freebies and dollarbies!

(1. pic: Axel, Reek - Lucky Board gift, Tyranny - older hunt gift, :bijou freebie. 2. pic: Sari's, Sugarcube gift, So many styles groupgift, iPop - Make Him Over hunt gift)

Skin: [Rockberry] Uma Group gift
Shape: Shape by FD* custom
Hair: Deviant Kitties Bake Sale Special Alice Blue purple

Cheap Tricks

Hello again:-)

There's a lil selection of free (or 1 l$) tees & tops!

(Ingyenes vagy 1 l$ pólók. MIND!)

(1. pic: Miamai, Paradisis, Reek - Subscribe gift, Fuk'N'Hawt - Midnight Mania. 2. pic: Naive, Reek - Subscribe gift, The Sea Hole-Retrology hunt, Aitui-Make Him Over Hunt)


Father's Day Weekend at Retrology - HUNT!

Hurry, hurry, hurry...

Father's Day Weekend at Retrology!

(Ends: Monday, June 22/09, 23:56 SLT)


Hunt all over the sim with many wonderful participants and loots.

Hétfő éjjelig (SL idő szerint) hunt a Retrologyban! A fenti UBU cipő is megtalálható, csak keresétek a kicsi, gusztustalan színű sculpt szivecskéket a teljes simen.

Have fun!

Hair Fair 2009

One more pic

Hair Fair 2009

Hair Fair 2009 opened!

Try to tp to one of HF sims, donate, try demos on and grab all of fabulous gifts!
Good luck!
There are lot of free hairstyles from awesome creators (see pics) – Curio, HCT, Calico, Bryce, (Posh), Diversity, Fuel, Goldie Locks, dD, Raspberry Aristocrat, Head Mistress, and many,many more.


Menjetek a Hair Fair-re, mert az jó dolog!:-)
Bejutni igen embert próbáló, de idén a készítők elképesztő mennyiségű free hajjal készültek. A fenti képeken látható hajak mindegyike 0 vagy 1L$ áron beszerezhető.
Sok sikert:-)


Hello everyone:-)
Welcome to our new and improved blog!
Okay, okay…to our first SL blog:-)
The three of us (Thea, Cam and Flow) decided to start this blog about SL. We’d like to share our fave places, experiences and discoveries with you, especially interesting sims, good shops, cool stuff (e.g. HAIR…lot of hairstyles) or anything that comes to our minds.
We can promise these posts will be very chaotic and random ’cos we’re pretty lazy folks.
Did I mention this blog would be bilingual? No? Shame on me! I wanted to start the first post with this info, but almost forgot it. So we’re Hungarians and a lot of useless things will be written in Hungarian. We’ll try to write all helpful data and facts in English of course. Excuse us, please, our English is not the best, but we’ll work hard on it (muhahaha)
Oh, and if you want, leave a message after the beep!

Have fun!

Hello mindenkinek!
Szóval, igen. Cam, Thea és Flow (azaz én) megpróbálunk egy többé-kevésbé hasznos blogot vezetni. Szándékaink szerint, ide kerülnek majd az általunk érdekesnek ítélt helyek, simek, boltok, bármi, ami az utunkba keveredik és valamivel "kiérdemli" a postot.
Tekintettel arra, hogy rémesen lusták vagyunk, semmiféle rendszerességet és következetességet nem ígérünk.
(Ellenben ha jó/olcsó/free/CSODÁLATOS hajat találunk, az szinte biztos, hogy felkerül ide is.:-))
A fontosabb infók angolul és magyarul is elérhetőek lesznek. Ez majdnem biztos.
Ha megosztanátok velünk saját "találmányaitokat", a sípszó után hagyhattok üzenetet.

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