
- vera -

Hey there,
The brand new Glam Affair-skinline is here! So let me introduce Vera:)
Vera is available in 6 skintones as usual - arctic, europa, america, india, jamaica and africa. Besides the stunning make-ups there are some useful layers too e.g 3 different nose shapes in tattoo layers, moles and freckles, eyebrow shapers and liptattoos. Oh the packs contain an extra clear version of Vera as well.
Dont hesitate, visit the maintore and look for the free demos:)

Skin: -Glam Affair-  Vera skinline (in america skintone, NEW)
Shape: *ShapesfloweR* - Laura (coming soon, really.))
Hair: ~Tableau Vivant~ Bardot Hair (NEW)
Eyes: IKON Perspective Eyes - Evening
Necklace: [AMNESIA] ASIAC Mesh Necklace - Salmon

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