
.snow babe.

Skin(s): -Glam Affair - Miko Rainbow - (Asia 06 B on the first two pics) - NEW, full line is available at Creation.JP event
Shape: *ShapesfloweR* - Xmas gift shape (still out, still free)
Eyes: IKON Promise Eyes - Fjord (ML)
Hat: Pizza's - Snowman Hat (Inspiration Hunt prize! Get the treasure map...i mean the HUD and happy hunting!)
Sweater: The Secret Store - Lola Cropped Sweater - Deer - (Insparation Hunt prize)
Tubescarf: Tee*fy Collar Snood Nordic (Insparation Hunt prize)
Skirt: The Secret Store - Annette Peplum Skirt - Red Polka  (Insparation Hunt prize)
Tights: "JIM" - Xmas Kitten Slink Stockings (Insparation Hunt prize)
Booties: ::HH:: Hucci Ivante Booties - Red (SLINK)
Ice bear cub: .Birdy. Snow Cub{Cuddle wear}
Glasses: Tee*fy BearyBeary Glasses PolarBear (Insparation Hunt prize)
Poses: Kirin Poses - December Pose Pack / IP Xmas Hunt (Insparation Hunt prize)
Ring: Swallow I hate xmas rings (avail @ TDR Fusion)
Building: junk. (details of my winter home coming soon)
Deers: Ispachi

Gorgeous faces of Glam Affair @creation.JP event:

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