I'm gone hunting. Again.
Thanks to the Mix & Mingle Hunt and the Hope Hunt, I'm now the proud owner of this stuff.
The first two pieces of lingerie are from Blacklace, both of them are awesome. (Blacklace is one of Mix & Mingle Hunt's participant)
Hair is from Vixen (previously posted).
The really cool pants are from the Mix & Mingle Hunt too. These ones came from Blackstar. The top is from Sassy City, as Hope Hunt gift.
Seek the roses and collect all of them through out the store!
(10 gifts are waiting fro you there)
This lovely dress is from KIM Bodysuits as M&M Huntprize, the necktie came from nova, one for girls and the other version for boys.
This hair is a M&M Huntgift by Iren. (There is a malehair in this pack too). The baseball tee is from Aitui, the jeans are by Gigi Couture. The boots are the gift of caLLie cLine.
This sweater is the other Aitui huntprize (for boys, but i love it so much), the jeans came from A.Y.Y. and the shoes are from Sassy City Hope Hunt gift.
Shape: Shapes by FD*
Have fun, folks and good luck!